During this time, Jarrus was killed, but she and the other members of the Lothal resistance group went onto fight to liberate the planet. Wren and the Ghost Crew eventually returned to Lothal.

After aiding her family in the Mandalorian Civil War, Sabine returned to aid the Rebel Alliance's struggle against the Empire. Wren returned to her family and convinced them of the Empire's treachery, helping to kill Gar Saxon, the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, in the process. She initially wanted nothing to do with it, but Jarrus and Fenn Rau, a Mandalorian Protector of Concord Dawn who joined the rebellion, convinced her to wield it so she could unite the Mandalorian people and bring them into the rebellion. In 2 BBY, while hunting down the rogue Sith Lord and former ruler of Mandalore Maul, Wren discovered the Darksaber on Dathomir. They became part of a larger rebel movement, with Wren's work continuing to inspire the fledgling rebellion. Together, the crew fought against the Empire and used Wren's art as a symbol of hope. Wren worked as a bounty hunter alongside her friend Ketsu Onyo before being recruited by Captain Hera Syndulla and the Jedi Kanan Jarrus to join their rebel crew aboard the starship Ghost. Wracked with guilt, Wren left Mandalore and was branded a traitor by the Empire and her mother, Ursa Wren, leader of the clan. She built weapons she believed would be used for peace but were instead used against her family and her people. Prior to becoming a rebel, Wren was a cadet at the Imperial Academy of Mandalore. Her artistry during the rebellion inspired the symbol of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and her claim over the ancient Mandalorian weapon known as the Darksaber made her a symbol to Clan Wren and the hopes of freeing her people's homeworld of Mandalore from the rule of the Empire. Sabine Wren was a human female Mandalorian warrior and revolutionary leader during the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire.

Not anymore." ―Gar Saxon and Sabine Wren " That might be the Mandalorian way, but it's not my way.